"Flowers are Love's truest language; they betray, Like the divining rods of Magi old, Where precious wealth lies buried, not of gold, But lovestrong love, that never can decay!"

- Park Benjamin

About Carnations

    Carnations can be considered beautiful and lovely flowers. It is certain that a bunch of carnations can bring beauty and joy into our days. Carnations may seem everyday flowers, but their beauty and candor makes them outstanding. These lovely flowers can help us smile and they turn a dull day into a nice and extraordinary one.
In what follows let us know more about this lovely flower.
    First of all the botanical name of Carnation is Dianthus caryophyllus. It is considered that carnations originate from Eurasia. According to a Christian legend, carnations were born out of Virgin Mary’s tears. As she was crying, and her tears were dropping to the ground, seeing Jesus’ sufferings and plight, carnations appeared on the earth.
    The botanical name of carnations, Dianthus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianthus etymologically is very interesting and worth analyzing. Dianthus is formed from Greek words, “dios” meaning God, and “anthos” meaning flower. Thus the name of carnations can be translated as the flowers of God. The etymology together with the Christian legend seems to be completing, and reinforcing each other in a way. They both allude to the idea that behind carnations there is a divine force.
    As already the Greek name suggests, carnations were first used by the Greeks and the Romans in garlands. Already the ancient peoples loved this flower and appreciated its beauty, often using it for decorating their homes.
    Carnations usually have 5 petals, and they come in various colors. The color range includes, white, yellow, pink, red, or even purple. They grow to the height of 6 and 8.5 cm in diameter. The petals of carnation are typically clawed or serrated. The leaves of carnation are stalk less and narrow; carnations usually grow big, full blooms on strong, straight stems. Their bloom lasts a long time, having a nice fragrance.

Carnations can be categorized into three types:
-    Spray carnations, having lots of smaller flowers.
-    Dwarf flowered carnations, having several small flowers on a stem
-    Large flowered carnations, having one large flower on a stem
Carnations express love, joy and a wonderful bouquet of them can impress anyone.
     The symbolism of carnations is very much color dependant. For example deep red carnations symbolize genuine love; light red carnations represent admiration. White carnations indicate purity, innocence, pure love. Purple carnations allude to capriciousness.

    This flower with its beauty inspired many persons. Today carnations can be seen as important flowers. Carnation is the national flower of Spain, the provincial flower of the Balearic Islands. Moreover it is the state flower of Ohio, USA http://www.ci.carnation.wa.us
    Carnations are very popular flowers in Europe as well. Particularly in Romania, carnations are very much preferred to other flowers. It is a popular choice to have carnations for bouquets or floral arrangements at various important occasions of one’s life. Bunches of carnations are designed for christening ceremonies, engagement parties, graduation ceremonies from school, university, weddings as well as various other parties. Carnations are very liked and preferred all over the world. As it results from the above carnations practically conquered the whole world.
    Even in Australia, carnations are grown. Thus it can be asserted that carnations have a blooming international career.
    I can only recommend bunches of carnations, as they denote beauty and elegance.
    Simple flowers, but they are amazingly beautiful ones.