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"Just living is not enough… One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
- Hans Christian Anderson
About Zephyrantes
Zephyrantes is a beautiful flower less known in Romania or in anywhere the world. Its beauty makes it a remarkable flower. In what follows, I would like to present it in more details. Zephyrantes flowers can be mostly found in the Western Hemisphere. Several other species of this flower can be found in the warm, temperate areas to the tropical ones. Zephyrantes is also known by the name of rain lily.
It blooms throughout the summer; the flowers reach the height of 4 inches across and 3 inches long. Its flowers are funnel shaped, whereas the foliage has a grassy quality.
 It looks certainly nice in your garden, especially when planted in mass. Each clump can have up to twenty flowers, which definitely provide a stunning display. Planted along sunny pathways, Zephyrantes looks really stunning. In order to increase the number of flowers, you can divide or dig up flowers. Mulching Zephyrantes with sifted compost, rich in nitrogen will contribute to their blooming.
If you wish to plant Zephyrantes in your garden, here are some tips. Following these rules, you’ll be able to plant Zephyrantes flowers and enjoy their beauty.
The most important thing is to plant the flowers in a rich, well-drained soil that remains moist. Secondly Zephyrantes needs full sun. You should plant them deep and enough space should be provided, so that the flower can grow freely. After flowering you will need to dig the flowers. Over the winter it is important to store the flowers in moist sand.
Thus following these simple rules, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful display of stunning flowers in your garden in Romania or anywhere else in the world!
Good Luck with planting and caring for Zephyrantes!