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"Flowers are like the pleasures of the world."
- William Shakespeare
Spring Flowers
Spring flower is a collective term used for those wonderful flowers that bloom right before spring. These flowers announce the coming of spring; they are the harbingers of spring. Thus as the weather is warming up, as nature is awakening from its winter sleep these beautiful flowers start blooming to charm and delight us with their fragrance and color. These flowers namely: hyacinths, daffodils, tulips and freesias bring color, light, new hope into our life. A spring bouquet made up of these flowers carries a message of hope, exhilaration, vivacity. Ladies in this period prefer a spring bouquet to anything else, precisely because there is nothing nicer than a spring bouquet. The basic components of this spring bouquet: daffodils, tulips, freesias and hyacinths are well-known flowers. Still in what follows I would like to mention some words about them.
Daffodils are lovely flowers, commonly known as narcissus. They originate from North Africa and Asia. Daffodil is a common English name denoting all the species of this flower. Daffodils have a central trumpet-, bowl-, or disc-shaped corona surrounded by a ring of six floral leaves called the perianth which is united into a tube at the forward edge of the ovary. The three outer segments are sepals, and the three inner segments are petals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daffodil
These flowers inspired many works of art: poems, paintings. One of the most famous British poets, William Wordsworth wrote a wonderful poem about daffodils. He eternalized the beauty of daffodils. Many generations have grown up reading his poems and learning to appreciate daffodil’s beauties more. The other interesting thing about narcissus is the mythological reference they carry. According to the legend Narcissus was a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection. The flower was grown in the place he died.
A less poetical but still wonderful flower is tulip. Tulips are commonly associated with the Netherlands. Tulip is Holland’s national flower. Actually tulips originate from Turkey, Iran, namely Central Asia. Tulips were introduced into Europe by the Dutch Ambassador of Turkey in the 16th century. They become very popular after their introduction. Tulips were popular and also very expensive, that’s why only a privileged segment of the society could afford growing them.
The species are herbaceous perennials from bulbs, the tunicate bulbs are often produced on the ends of stolens and covered with glabrous to variously hairy papery coverings. The species include short low growing plants to tall upright plants, growing from 10 to 70 centimeters (4–27 in) tall. Plants with typically 2 to 6 leaves, with some species having up to 12 leaves. The cauline foliage is strap-shaped, waxy-coated, usually light to medium green and alternately arranged. The blades are somewhat fleshy and linear to oblong in shape. The large flowers are produced on scapes or subscapose stems normally lacking bracts. The stems have no leaves to a few leaves, with large species having some leaves and smaller species have none. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip Tulips are easy to grow and very liked flowers. They are very common flowers in the gardens, or flower beds. Tulips with their wide color range impress and delight us.
Freesia is another lovely “ingredient” of our spring bouquet. Freesias can be seen as little, charming flowers. Freesias are very popular flowers throughout the whole world; still they were unknown until the 19th century. They are among the first flowers to bloom after winter, filling the air with their wonderful scent, telling the world that springtime is here. They are easily cultivated. Buy them with at least one flower open on the stem. Make sure they have plenty of water and never let the stem ends dry out. Pinch out the topmost buds and remove the old flower heads to encourage new ones to open. Keep away from fruit, vegetables, and excess heat, as they are very sensitive to the ethylene gas produced.
Freesias through their simplicity bring joy, warmth, and love into our life. They may seem simple or plain flowers, but carry with themselves the promises of a brighter spring.
Another lovely flower that has also some mythological references is Hyacinth. Hyacinths are very much liked for their fragrance that pervades everything and reaches anywhere. Hyacinths were cultivated in Ancient Greece. Its very name originates from the word Hyakinthos. Hyakinthos was a handsome man in the Greek mythology. After his death a beautiful flower sprang, which Apollo named after him, hyacinth. After their introduction to Europe, hyacinths were especially cultivated in Holland. Their fragrance and beauty instantly captivated more and more persons. In the 18th century more than 2000 species were cultivated. Hyacinths perform best in an open, sunny or partially shaded position with fertile, well-draining soil. They have many species, a wide color range. Hyacinths are special and lovely flowers, charming us with their pervading fragrance and beautiful color.
Make sure you offer your dear ones a lovely bunch of spring flowers. Daffodils, tulips, freesias and hyacinths are all crucially important “ingredients” of this bouquet. Daffodils stand for pure beauty, tulips for charm, freesias for simple pleasure, and hyacinths for fragrance. Surprise your dearest one with a lovely spring bouquet, making her feel special and appreciated. I am sure this bouquet will touch the very strings of her heart. Springtime is here, thus do not forget about the bouquet!