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"in your face i see all the beauty of a flower in your voice i hear all the splendour of the sweetest song."
- Jully
About Violet
One of the simple, yet fascinating flowers is violet. In spite of its simplistic outlook, violets are lovely flowers, capable of filling our hearts with joy. Violets bear witness to nature’s greatness. Even an apparently simple flower can make our heart leap from joy. Moreover we can detect nature’s greatness and perfect structures.
Furthermore let us know more about violet, this lovely flower. First of all it belongs to the Violaceae family, and can be found mostly everywhere. Violets can be found from the temperate Northern Hemisphere up to areas like Hawaii and South America. Therefore we can assume that violets can be found pretty much everywhere. Regarding its outlook the leaves are scalloped, heart-shaped but can take the form of palmate leaves as well. Violets can be considered perennial plants. The other name for Violets is Viola. Moreover the vast majority of Viola species are herbaceous plants. Their color varies from violet, to various shades f blue, yellow, white, cream.
Violet species include:
- Viola arvensis
- Field Pansy
- Viola banksii
- Australian Native Violet
- Viola biflora
- Yellow Wood Violet or Two flower Violet
- Viola canina
- Heath Dog Violet
- Viola cheiranthifolia
- Teide Violet
- Viola hederacea
- Native Violet
- Viola hirta
- Hairy Violet
- Viola odorata
- Sweet Violet
- Viola sororia
- Common Blue Violet or Hooded Violet
- Viola pedunculata
- Yellow Pansy
- Viola pubescens
- Downy yellow violet
- Viola riviniana
- Common Dog Violet
- Viola stagnina
- Fen Violet
- Viola tricolor
- Wild Pansy or Heartsease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violet_ (plant)
Another well-known type of violets is African violet. As its name suggests, originates from Africa. Moreover this type of violets is very common and favored as garden plants. African violets are easy to cultivate. Simply keep in mind that as well as other flowers, they need sunlight and watering. Nevertheless keep in mind that a waterlogged soil can be very dangerous as well. Keep in mind that African violets breathe through their roots, over-watering can deprive the plant of air. Moreover another key issue is fertilization. Please keep in mind that African violets like to be pot-bound. Therefore it is a good idea to add a nutrient rich potting mixture to their pot. Please also pay attention to the fertilizers applied. African violets prefer nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), usually in a 10-10-10 formula. Your African violet food should also be 100% water-soluble so that your plant can absorb the fertilizer's beneficial elements.
I am sure that if you obey these rules, you will have blooming and beautiful violets. They can even turn into the major attraction of your garden. In what follows I would like to wish you Good Luck with violet care!I am sure that a lovely bunch of violets can brighten every person’s face. In Romania, for example giving a bunch of violets is commonly practiced around the first days of March. A bunch of violets carry the message of love, hope, signals the arrival of spring. It signals the coming of spring, which generally is a period of joy, happiness, new hopes and new dreams. I hope you’ll receive a lovely bunch of violets reminding of new possibilities, dreams and hopes. Take the time to observe this lovely flowers and take delight in violet’s beauties.