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"Flowers and fruits are always fit presents--flowers, because they are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out values all the utilities of the world."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
About Sweet sultan centaurea
Sweet sultan centaurea is part of the sunflower family and comes from Asia. Sweet sultan centaurea in Romania is an ornamental plant, very much loved for its color and scent.Sweet sultan centaurea is a very popular garden flower that comes in white, pink, yellow and mostly purple. It has a very unique scent, the bees and butterflies absolutely love it. Sweet sultan centaurea is the perfect cut flower.
Sweet sultan centaurea in Romania can survive during winter time if the soil is very well drained and it has light protection.
Sweet sultan centaurea In Romania is an easily grown garden flower, the flowers are fluffy, the colors are bright and the scent is marvelous.
Sweet Sultan in Romania is also known as Centaurea Moschata. The name is derived from the centaur that was famous for being a healer.
Sweet sultan centaurea in Romania are known as great cut flowers and last up to 10 days in flower arrangements. Sweet sultan centaurea are of the easiest flower cultures. They can be found all over Europe in grain fields, along with the poppy flowers.
Sweet sultan centaurea enjoy cool weather. Sweet sultan centaurea in Romania should be planted where it is grown because it is not an easy flower to transplant.
Sweet sultan centaurea in Romania should be cut using a sharp knife because it is not easy to cut these flowers without bruising.
Sweet sultan centaurea flowers in Romania are also great button flowers, that is why they are also called the Bachelor-button.