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"Flowers may beckon towards us, but they speak toward heaven and God."
- Henry Ward Beecher
About Jasmine
Jasmine is one of the most widely-cultivated flowers. Its scent and beautiful flower charmed and delighted our senses. It is well-known that jasmine is very popular in southern and southeastern Asia, Africa. Nowadays is more and more popular in Europe as well. It has various cultural signifances as well. We’ll dwell upon them later on.Now let us turn to a brief description of this lovely flower.
Its scientific name is Jasminum Polyanthum, while its common White Jasmine. The common name denotes very well the flower’s color. Most Jasmines are white, and thus are very popular flowers for bridal bouquets as well.
One of the interesting issues concerning jasmine is regarding their leaves, which can be either evergreen or decidous. The leaf arrangement is opposite in most species, leaf shape is simple, trifoliate or pinnate with 5-9 leaflets, each up to two and half inches long. Some are yellow in color while most of the species bear white flowers which are of one inch in size. Its petals have strong and sweet fragrances. Flowering takes place in summer and spring, usually six months after planting.
In what follows I would like to proceed with planting guide.
Since Jasmine’s are beautiful and truly lovely flowers, many persons would like to have them in their garden. Jasmine prefers full sun and grow well in moist, drained garden soil with a moderate level of fertility. Furthermore adding leaf molds and a mild fertilizer should be applied druing spring. These two will help you obtain better results.
During summer jasmine should receive plenty of water. During winter this watering can be reduced. Regular pinching, shaping is needed in order to control growth. Another idea to keep in mind is planting jasmines with a considerable distance. Another issue would be that of tieing younger plants to the stem in order to provide a fair support.
As it was noted previosuly, jasmine has various cultural significances as well. It is dried for making tea, its oil is used for perfumes, and Ayurvedic medicine also uses jasmines. Moreover jasmines are well known for their antidepressant, antiseptic, sedative and uterine properties.
Jasmine is also the national flower of many countries, such as: The Phillipines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Syria and Thailand.
Another very interesting cultural elements is the flower’s name. The word Jasmine comes from Arabic meaning gift from God.
This reference is worth considering, because this lovely flower can indeed be considered a gift from God. It is a charming, wonderful flower created to delight all our senses.
Whatever would be the occasion, if you choose jasmines, you will surely make an impression.