"May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day. May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through."

- Irish Blessing

About Iris

Iris is a lovely and colorful flower that gives grace and an extra touch of elegance and beauty to the bouquets. Iris can be considered as a nice flower, complementing the beauty of the other components of the bouquet. Thus, iris in my opinion can be regarded a complementing flower. It is very rare to find a bouquet consisting only of irises; these tend to be accompanied by other flowers. Irises are very popular in mixed bouquets, and their presence only enhances the overall beauty of the bunch of flowers.Iris simply makes every bunch of flowers more beautiful and amazing.This rather beautiful and lovely flower originates from the northern temperate regions. Records regarding iris are to be found in the history of Egypt as well. Iris is considered to be the flower on the Sphinx. Moreover iris was considered to be the favorite flower of the Moslems. They after conquering Spain in the 8th century were the ones to introduce iris there. Moreover the Goddess of rainbow was named Iris, for its many colors.
http://www.theflowerexpert.com/content/mostpopularflowers/morepopularflowers/irisIris albicans Lange
Iris aphylla L. – Stool Iris
Iris attica (Boiss. & Heldr.) Hayek
Iris cypriana Foster & Baker
Iris germanica L. – German Iris
Iris imbricata Lindl.
Iris lutescens Lam. – Crimean Iris
Iris marsica I.Ricci Colas.
Iris mesopotamica – Mesopotamian Iris
Iris orjenii Bräuchler & Cikovac – Orjen Iris
Iris pallida Lam. – Sweet Iris
Iris pumila L.
Iris reichenbachii Heuff.
Iris sambucina L.
Iris scariosa Willd. ex Link
Iris schachtii Markgr.
Iris suaveolens Boiss. & Reut.
Iris subbiflora Brot.
Iris taochia Woronow ex Grossh.
Iris variegata L. – Hungarian Iris
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_(plant)And the list could go on, with many species of this truly amazing flower. But after this brief introduction, mentioning something of its historical background, species, genus, I would like to turn to the cultivation and care of this plant.
Iris is a common and a very much preferred garden plant. The one cultivated in gardens, most commonly is the so-called bearded iris. It is possible to cultivate this flower in almost every garden. All they need is plenty of sunlight and good drainage. This two being set and available, your irises will surely bloom.It is a good idea to prepare the soil before planting the irises. Thus, we recommend that you dig in some well rotted manure, which will serve as good compost. It will provide the iris with nitrogen and other nutrients. Pot grown iris should be planted to the same depth and level as the compost was in the pot. Irises can be spaced 15-22 cm apart. They should be firmed well and watered. Irises should be divided every 3-4 years otherwise the clumps will become woody and produce fewer flower spikes. Splitting the clump is best done straight after flowering, or before the end of September. As you do this you will notice that the youngest and healthiest rhizomes are on the outside of the clump. These are the pieces to replant. The old pieces of rhizome can be burnt or composted.
http://www.kelways.co.uk/acatalog/Care_of_your_Iris.html Irises being wonderful flowers inspired many artists, among them painters. Vincent van Gogh was one of the most talented painters, who could depict the beauty of irises well. His paintings reflect the beauty and splendor of this wonderful and unique flower.