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"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.
- Henry Ward Beecher
About Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are lovely flowers, which give color, light to our garden and implicitly our soul. Chrysanthemums can be considered lovely and colorful spots of our garden, which not only delight us but fill our soul with tender feelings. Chrysanthemums can be considered wonderful flowers and everyone takes pride in having these flowers in her garden. These lovely flowers, like jewels, make our garden lovelier, more beautiful and implicitly fill our soul and heart with the warmest and kindest feelings. Growing chrysanthemums is a lovely past time, which can give meaning to our dullest hours and fill our soul with joy. In what follows
I would like to present some guidelines for planting chrysanthemums. But first and foremost let us know more about the background of chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums originate from Asia. These were known and cultivated in China, as early as 15th century BC. Even a very ancient bears the name of Ju-Xian, which translated means “Chrysanthemum city”. According to the records, chrysanthemums were introduced in Japan in the 8th century AD. Even the emperor adopted the flower as his official seal. As it results from the preceding facts, chrysanthemums were well-known flowers in Asia, from the very early times. However these were introduced into Europe only in the 17th century. Linnaeus gave it the name chrysanthemums. In Greek language chrys means golden, and anthemon means flower. Thus the very name chrysanthemum translated means golden flower, the name denoting its original color.
Over the times chrysanthemums developed many species. Listing all of them would be far too much. Thus in what follows, please take a look at this abridged list, containing some species of chrysanthemums:
Chrysanthemum aphrodite
Chrysanthemum arcticum
Chrysanthemum argyrophyllum
Chrysanthemum arisanense
Chrysanthemum boreale
Chrysanthemum chalchingolicum
Chrysanthemum chanetii
Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium
Chrysanthemum coronarium, aka Crown daisy
Chrysanthemum crassum
Chrysanthemum glabriusculum
Chrysanthemum hypargyrum
Chrysanthemum indicum
Chrysanthemum japonense
Chrysanthemum japonicum
Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium
Chrysanthemum mawii
Chrysanthemum maximowiczii
Chrysanthemum mongolicum
Chrysanthemum morifolium(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysanthemum)
In what follows let us take a look at the guiding principles for chrysanthemum care and growing. I am sure that following these guidelines, you will be successful with chrysanthemums. Moreover you will proudly show them to your neighbors as well. It is recommended to plant chrysanthemums in the spring, just when the soil starts warming up. They need free-draining soil as well as full sun. Once the plant is developed it is a good idea to divide into smaller divisions, each with a single shoot and some roots. This way the plant will maintain its vigor and strength. Moreover besides dividing the plants, it is a good idea to execute basal cuttings in spring. This way you enable the creation of young and fresh shoots. Cut them off close to the base of the plant and root them in moist perlite, or a mix of sand and compost, kept in a warm place. It is recommended to take cuttings from the parent plant in mid-winter. This way cuttings should produce roots by March and be these can be planted outdoors in May. Most chrysanthemums, particularly the taller kinds, need support. Use metal linking stakes (available from garden centres) or canes and pea sticks with string. If you plan to grow your chrysanthemums in large drifts, try fixing a horizontal layer of wide-mesh bean netting above the plants at a height of around 45cm (18in). It may initially look unattractive but provides good support once the plants have grown through the netting, which makes it worth the wait. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plantprofile_chrysanthemum.shtml)
Chrysanthemums thus can be grown successfully by everybody, who is willing to follow the above guidelines. Chrysanthemums, these little and wonderful flowers can be considered tokens of love, appreciation and joy. These are bound to brighten and color our existence and soul. Mankind do appreciates chrysanthemums, and this idea is underlined by the creation and establishment of many associations, societies. Two of the most well known of these societies have their residence in UK and the USA. The establishment of these underlines the idea of protecting chrysanthemums and in a way paying a tribute to their beauty. Chrysanthemums are very much adored, preferred. These need to be protected because we certainly want our grandchildren and great grandchildren to admire them.
Nevertheless chrysanthemums have been eternalized for us. Many works of art deal with chrysanthemums, or use them as a central image. One of my favorite works of art is John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums. In this very interesting short story, chrysanthemums are used as a central symbol. If you are interested what these symbolize, read the story.
Moreover never hesitate to ask for a bunch of chrysanthemums from your florist, or give a bunch of chrysanthemums as a sing of your love and appreciation. I am sure that the person receiving the bouquet will be delighted.